Spring 25' Sponsorship Form
Spring 25' Age Chart
Spring 25' Refund Request
Code of Conduct acknowlegdement
COC & Disciplinary Policy
24'/25' Corona Pony Board
Accepted Bats based on USA Bat Standards
More details to come!
Field Prep: Come out and help us get our fields ready for the season! Managers must attend or send a rep in their place. The mor...
Our pre season practices will start this week and continue until opening day.
All teams will be notified of their picture times closer to the date
We will be holding our annual manager meeting for the upcoming season. This is a mandatory meeting. If you cannot attend, please...
Skill assessments: Players should bring glove, batting helmet and bat. If they don't have one, there will be some onsite to use. ...
Don't wait for divisions to fill up. Sign up early for our Spring 2025 season.
Santana Regional Park
Butterfield Park
Mountain Gate Park
Corona Pony Youth Baseball 387 Magnolia Ave Suite 103-318 Corona, California 92879
Email: [email protected]